Friday, July 20, 2012

Zip-It Drain Cleaning Tool

I've been using the Zip-It Drain Cleaning tool for several years now. Having two girls with long hair, I found the drain in their bathroom backing up to the the point where the bathtub wouldn't even drain.  Because of the way the drain is made (the plug screws in and there are four small openings around the center where it screws in), there is a very small opening and a normal drain snake wouldn't fit.  Even if it did, I'm afraid it would just push the hair clog further down the drain.  I didn't want to use chemicals if I didn't have to. One day, while at Lowe's I found this little piece of plastic with hooks on it.  It's an extremely simple device. It goes in, pushing through the hair, and when it comes out, the barbs grip the hair pulling it out.  The device is disposable. But, I'm cheap. I'll use them several times before throwing them out even though they're less than $3.00 each.  No chemicals to harm the environment, your fixtures or your pipes.

Here's a picture of the clog I just pulled out.  This is only about two months worth of hair.


  1. This is a nice post tells us about how to clean the drain from your pipes.This gives us a tool by which you can clean the drain.Really nice post.Thanks for sharing the post.

    Drain Cleaning Tool

  2. This tool is a money saver and it’s efficient to use. My only problem with this is it isn’t long enough to clean the entire length of the hose. I put a duct tape on a thin screwdriver’s handle to extend its reach. I’m still using it because it’s cheap and disposable, but I still call a plumbing service once a year for added assurance that my drain and pipes are in good condition.

    {Kurt Verdejo}

  3. You may want to try mixing vinegar and baking soda to clean the drain. It’s inexpensive and eco-friendly. It doesn’t have strong chemical content that would harm your sink and your family, most especially. You can even use the baking soda as a cleaning solution even if it has expired already.

    Althea Tumlin

  4. Blocked Drains spread odour and spoil the environment. For this clearance of the drains is very necessary. Our company serves guaranteed and carried out by our fully trained engineers. Thanks! Admin Look for additional posts on this topic soon. I am waiting for next post.
    Drain Clearance

  5. Thank you for sharing. Clogged drains can be a big hassle in particular. Dirt and sludge can build up in pipes, creating an impassable barrier that suffocates your plumbing and keeps waste from leaving your home. Regular maintenance on your drains, however, will prevent problems in the future.
    Boston Drain Cleaning

  6. Are You Finding the Best Service on Denver Drain Cleaner? So Rooter PHD is Perfect Place to You.

    Aurora Plumber

  7. Very interesting post. Bronx Drain Cleaning also takes care of this issue! Hate pulling hair out of my drain.


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